Esther Dyson(@edyson on twitter) is chairman of EDventure Holdings. Her primary activity is investing in and nurturing start-ups, with a recent focus on health care, human capital and aerospace. Overall, she is fascinated by new business models, new technologies and new markets (both economically and politically). From October 2008 to March of 2009, she lived in Star City outside Moscow, Russia, training as a backup cosmonaut. Apart from this brief sabbatical, she is an active board member for a variety of startups. See a detailed breakout of board seats and investments.
Separate pages offer a more detailed bio and current news about Esther. She also writes for or posts to the following sites. Current content: Past content:
See also: some of Esther's past articles. Contact: You can email her at edyson using this site's domain name.
Thanks to Chris Locke |